[95] TWO MOONS orbit
Mars: Phobos (mean diameter, 22.0 km) and Deimos (mean diameter, 14.0
km). As part of the centennial celebration commemorating Asaph Hall's
discovery of Phobos and Deimos in 1877, an extensive exploration of
the two Martian moons was conducted with the Viking orbiters. The
spectacular high-resolution imaging data obtained have rivaled in
resolution any previous flyby or orbiter imaging data on any body in
our solar system.
These data provided much more knowledge of the
moons' surface morphology and their physical and dynamical
properties. Phobos was observed to be somewhat smaller than
determined by Mariner 9 (~5200 km3 rather than 5700
), and Deimos was somewhat larger (~1200 km3 rather than 1000
km3). Both satellites are locked into a stable,
synchronous rotation about Mars, with their longest axes pointing
toward Mars and their shortest axes normal to their orbit planes
(which are within a few degrees of Mars' equator). Both satellites
have topographic variations as large as 20 percent of local mean
radii, and Deimos has a few large flat areas.
Viking found Phobos and Deimos to be within 10
to 15 km of their predicted positions based on Mariner 9 images.
Precessing ellipses accurately model the orbits of the two moons,
with short-period Mars gravity perturbations having displacement
amplitudes of less than a few kilometers on Phobos' orbit, and solar
perturbations having displacement amplitudes of less than 5 km for
Deimos (except for one 110-km, 54-year periodic longitude
Phobos, one of the three satellites in our
solar system whose period (7h 39m ) is less than the rotational
period of the primary planet (24h 37m for Mars), is losing orbital
energy to surface tides it raises on Mars. As the orbit of Phobos
decays and gets closer to Mars, Phobos may eventually be torn apart
when the tidal forces of Mars overcome the cohesive bond between its
particles. Phobos, already inside the "Roche Limit" where internal
gravity alone is too weak to hold it together, could conceivably
become a ring plane about Mars within the next 50 million
Phobos and Deimos are both uniformly gray.
Albedos of ~0.06 put both in a class with the darkest objects in our
solar system. These dark surfaces appear to be layers of regolith
with depths of a few hundred meters for Phobos and at least 5 to 10
meters for Deimos. Cratering of the surface of Phobos continued
during and after the formation of the regolith, and the regolith is
saturated with craters. However, on Deimos it appears that the
regolith continued to develop after the cratering subsided, and the
smaller craters (<100 meters) are partially filled or covered.
This obscuration of the smaller craters gives Deimos a much smoother
appearance than Phobos when [96] viewed at ranges of
more than a few hundred kilometers, because the filled craters are
near or below the resolving power of the cameras and therefore are
not visible.
In contrast to the smooth appearance of
Deimos, the surface of Phobos is dominated by sharp, fresh-looking
craters of all sizes and a vast network of linear features resembling
crater chains. These linear grooves, up to tens of kilometers long
and hundreds of meters across, appear to be surface fractures
associated with the formation of Stickney, the largest crater on
Phobos. Crater densities on both satellites are comparable to
densities on the lunar uplands, a fact that suggests ages of up to a
few billion years. However, impact fluxes may have been significantly
higher for Phobos and Deimos because of ejecta being thrown into
orbit about Mars and then recollected as the satellites swept it up
in their orbits.
Similar networks of striations have not been
identified on Deimos; however, they may have been covered by
regolith, and picture resolution may not have been sufficient to
identify such features. For example, a large depression 10 km across
at the south pole of Deimos may have been caused by a single impact
or may have been the result of fragmentation if Deimos was once part
of a larger body. Linear features radiating from the center of this
depression are suggested by the data, but low picture resolution has
limited any interpretation of these features or determination of the
origin of the large depression.
The close encounters with Phobos and Deimos
have yielded preliminary mass determinations of approximately 1 X
and 2 X 1015 kg, respectively. Using the volumes mentioned earlier,
mean densities of about 1900kg/m3 for Phobos and 1400
kg/m3 for Deimos are obtained. These low densities, as well
as their colors and albedos, make Phobos and Deimos compositionally
similar to Type-l carbonaceous chondrites found in the asteroid belt.
These data strongly suggest capture as the origin of the two
asteroid-like moons of Mars.
Viking also obtained pictures of Phobos and
Deimos, or their shadows, against Mars. The transit pictures were
used in refining knowledge of the shapes of the satellites, and the
shadow pictures helped locate Viking Lander 1. The satellite and
shadow images were used to improve map coordinates of features on
Mars surrounding the images.
Phobos from 480
Kilometers. Viking Orbiter 1
flew within 480 km of Mars' inner satellite, Phobos, to
obtain the pictures in the mosaic of the asteroid-size moon.
As seen here, Phobos is nearly 75% illuminated and is about
21 km across and 19 km from top to bottom. Some features as
small as 20 meters across can be seen. Surface features
include grooves resembling linear chains of craters and
small hummocks which appear to be resting on the surface.
The regolith-covered surface is saturated with craters.
Hummocks, mostly seen near the terminator (right), are about
50 meters in size and may be surface debris from impacts.
Closeup. The photomosaic on
top was taken at a range of 300 km as Viking Orbiter 1 was
approaching Phobos. The areas covered by three pictures
taken at a range of 110 to 130 km are outlined on the
photomosaic. The upper right area of the photomosaic shows a
region dominated by grooves. The grooves are probably
fractures in the surface of Phobos from a large impact. Two
large craters with dark material on their floors are seen
near the bottom of the photomosaic. These flat-bottomed
craters give evidence that Phobos is covered by a regolith
of up to a few hundred meters thick. The three pictures show
the heavily cratered surface; craters as small as 10 to 15
meters are visible. [Top 211-5356. Left 244A03, Center
244A04, Right 244A06]
Fractures Radiating from
Stickney Crater. Viking
Orbiter 1 flew within 300 km of Phobos in May 1977 to obtain
this photomosaic. Raw pictures are at the top and
computer-enhanced pictures, to show small surface detail,
are at the bottom. The northern hemisphere of Phobos is
visible from about 30° above the equator (Phobos' orbit
plane), with the side of Phobos facing Mars at the lower
right. Phobos presents an illuminated area of about 17 km
from top to bottom and 23 km across. The rim of Stickney,
the largest crater on Phobos, is seen at the lower left,
with a large network of grooves radiating from it. A large,
2-km diameter crater with a slumped wall is seen just below
the middle of the picture. [343A27, 29, 31 (P-19133)]
High Resolution View of Grooves on
Phobos. This picture shows a
northern area on Phobos which is dominated by grooves. An
area near the terminator (7.5 X 9.0 km) is seen with visible
features as small as 20 meters. Craters of all sizes abound,
with a significant portion formed later than the grooves.
The grooves radiate from the antipodal point of Stickney,
and are probably surface fractures caused by the impact that
formed this large crater. Possible outgassing of volatiles
during formation could have caused the raised d rims along
the fractures by ejecting regolith. [246A06]
Stereoscopic Views of
Phobos. The upper pair shows
the side facing away from Mars at a range of 500 km from the
orbiter. The large craters near the limb are about 4 km
across and a few w hundred meters deep. The lower pair shows
the side facing Mars at a range of 300 km. The grooves are
radiating from Stickney and are tens of kilometers long,
hundreds of meters wide, and can be tens of meters deep.
[Upper left 246A76, ripper right 246A66, Lower left 343 A08,
Lower right 343A25]
Phobos Overflying Ascraeus
Mons. This spectacular
picture, taken by Viking Orbiter 2, is the first picture
ever taken showing such detail on both a satellite and
primary planet. Viking (Orbiter 2 was about 13 000 km above
the surface of Mars and about 8000 km above Phobos, which
increases the apparent size of Phobos relative to features
on Mars. Phobos is about 22 km across, and Ascraeus Mons is
over 300 km across at its base. The complete outline of
Phobos is seen from direct and reflected sunlight. Transit
pictures such as this are used to determine the size and
shape of the satellite as well as improve the map
coordinates of features on Mars registered near the
satellite's image. A unique tie between Mars surface (map)
coordinates and inertial space can be made when the inertial
positions of the satellite and spacecraft are known
accurately. [304B88]
Phobos Overflying the Mouth of
Ares Vallis. These mosaics of
pictures from Viking Orbiter 1 show Phobos passing beneath
the spacecraft with the' surface of Mars in the background.
These mosaics, taken about a minute apart, show an apparent
motion of Phobos across the surface of Mars of about 50 km.
Orbiter 1 was 13 700 km above the Margaritifier Sinus region
of' Mars, and Phobos was 6700 km from the spacecraft.
Phobos, four times darker than Mars, appears black against
Mars in these unenhanced pictures. This region of Mars
contains chaotic terrain along the equator; it is near the
head of Arcs Vallis, a major channel leading to Chryse basin
where Viking Lander 1 is located. [451A03-10: 1° N,
19° W]
Phobos Shadow Transit over the
Viking Lander 1 Site. The
passage of the Phobos shadow over Viking Lander 1 was imaged
simultaneously from Viking Orbiter 1 and Viking Lander 1.
The time of shadow passage, as observed by the Lander,, was
used to locate the position of the shadow (and therefore the
position of the lander) in the orbiter pictures. This
picture shows the shadow of Phobos (~60 X 120 km across) in
the Chryse Planitia region a few kilometers directly north
of Viking Lander 1. To the left of bottom center is Maumee
Vallis, approximately 420 km southwest of the lander's
location. [463A21]
Deimos from Near and
Far. A two-picture
photomosaic showing the complete side of Deimos visible from
Viking Orbiter 2 is on the left, and a high resolution
three-picture mosaic of a small area near the terminator is
on tile right. The two-picture photomosaic, taken at 500 km,
shows a smooth surface with limited cratering and a few
large flat areas. No linear grooves are seen: however,
bright patches of material near the intersection of the
large flat areas are visible. The three-picture photomosaic
taken at about 50 km gives a completely different view of
Deimos than does the two-picture (lower resolution)
photomosaic. A surface saturated with craters and strewn
with boulders is revealed by the factor-of-10 increase in
resolution.. (Craters have been partially filled or covered
by regolith, which gives a smooth appearance to the surface
at lower resolution (a range of 500 km or more). A "wind
streaking"" effect from upper right to lower left probably
resulted from a base surge phenomenon when ejecta material
was transported and deposited downtrack by the impact of an
incoming meteoroid. A few dark-rimmed craters are seen.
[Left 428B10-1 1. Right 423B61-63]
Deimos from 30
Kilometers. Deimos was
observed on October 15, 1977 when Viking Orbiter 2 passed
within 30 km of the surface. This is one of the highest
resolution pictures ever taken of any body in our solar
system by an orbiting or flyby spacecraft. The picture
covers an area of 1.2 X 1.5 km, and shows features as small
as 3 meters. Viking Orbiter 2 would have been visible from
the surface of Deimos during this exceptionally close flyby.
'The surface of Deimos is saturated with craters. A layer of
crust appears to cover craters smaller than 50 meters,
making Deimos look smoother than Phobos. Boulders as large
as houses (10 to 30 meters across) are strewn over the
surface - probably blocks ejected from nearby craters. Long
shadows are seen east by these boulders (sunlight is coming
from the' left). The image was taken when the Sun was only
10 above the horizon. [423B03]
Phobos and Deimos-Similar but
Not Identical. In the upper
images, the surfaces of Phobos and Deimos arc compared at a
range of 1400 km. Features as small as 100 meters are
detectable. Phobos is viewed at a 90° phase angle and
Deimos at a 60° phase angle. Grooves and craters
dominate the uniformly dark surface of Phobos at this
resolution. Deimos, however, appears to be very smooth, with
few craters and with areas of bright albedo. The grooves on
Phobos radiate from the large crater Stickney (10 km across)
at the left. The bright patches on Deimos are near the
intersection of large flat areas. Higher resolution imaging
in the bottom images dispels the initial impression of a
smooth surface for Deimos, by showing a surface saturated
with craters that have been obscured by regolith. [Upper
left 357A64, Upper right 413B83, Lower left 244A05, Lower
right 423A61]
Phobos and Deimos in
Color. Color pictures of the
two Martian moons have confirmed Earth-based spectra by also
showing both satellites to be gray. The Viking imaging data
showed the surfaces to be uniformly gray over the complete
surface to a resolution of a few hundred meters. No
significant color differences were seen 011 either surface,
including areas around craters and those within the bright
albedo features on Deimos. The color indicates composition
is of a carbonaceous chondritic material. Phobos (a) is at a
range of 4200 km, and Deimos (b) is at a range of 2100 km.
In these pictures, color differences have be en exaggerated.
Most of the color differences are due to noise or are
artifacts of the processing, especially around craters and
the limb. [Left 357A03-07, Right 355B01-09]