the surface of Mars can be attributed to aeolian phenomena or to the
deposition and sublimation of volatiles in the polar regions. No
evidence exists for the seasonal wave of darkening once proposed by
some observers.
Very few surface changes were noted during the
Viking primary mission in 1976, a finding consistent with the
predictions of relatively low wind velocities during northern summer.
However, with the approach of southern summer. wind activity
increased, and many albedo changes were noticed that were similar
(but not identical) to those recorded by Mariner 9 in 1972 at a
comparable season .
Comparisons of specific albedo boundaries in
the Mariner 9 and Viking pictures showed that, in many cases, subtle
changes in outline and/or contrast had occurred: in a few areas,
e.g., Syria Planum, the albedo boundaries were dramatically
The most conspicuous wind markers on the
planet are light, crater associated streaks whose pattern is that of
the wind flow expected during southern summer (when surface winds are
strongest and major dust storms occur). Although some new light
streaks formed between 1972 and 1976. and a few old ones disappeared,
most light streaks were essentially unchanged in outline and
direction. These bright streaks probably are deposits of dust, as
storm fallout, which accumulates in the lee of craters and other
topographic obstructions to the wind flow.
Viking observations confirm that the average
lifetime of ragged dark streaks, usually interpreted as erosion
scars, is shorter than that of the light streaks. Many dark streaks
changed conspicuously in both outline and direction, not only between
1972 and 1976, but also during the Viking mission itself.
Mixed-Tone Streaks in
Memnonia. These distinctive
mixed-tone streaks appear to consist of a central, tapered
light streak bordered by two dark side-lobes. Similar
streaks have been produced in wind tunnel simulations. If
the wind tunnel results are valid, the dark lobes represent
areas of wind erosion, and the bright central portion is a
region of deposition where bright fine particles accumulate.
Numerous ragged dark streaks are also visible, and are
interpreted as zones of erosion associated with topographic
obstacles- in this case including crater ramparts, ejecta
blankets, and possible lava flow fronts. [41B51; 13°S,
Mesoagaea Area. Only subtle albedo changes have occurred in
this complex mixed-tone streak since the Mariner 9 coverage.
The complex streak seems to be the result of deflation of
low albedo material from the crater at upper right. The
numerous bright streaks outside the large mixed-tone streak
are interpreted as accumulations of dust storm fallout.
Craters and isolated hills seem to produce similar bright
streaks. Bright areas within the main dark streaks could be
either deposits of dust storm fallout or shadow zones behind
topographic obstacles where dark material from the upwind
crater was not deposited. Thus, the conspicuous bright,
hill-associated streak within the main dark streak could be
a normal bright streak or a "shadow" streak. [88A81-88;
8°N, 192°W]
Frost Streaks in the Annual South
Polar Cap. These bright,
streamlined albedo features are associated with craters near
the retreating margin of the annual frost cap. The features
become more prominent (relative to the background) as the
cap edge approaches their location, and disappear shortly
after the margin passes. The bright streaks are interpreted
as accumulations of carbon dioxide frost in the lee of
craters, and suggest that winds may be effective in
redistributing frost in the polar regions of Mars. The wind
direction indicated by the streaks suggests that the streaks
are laid down during southern winter. [161B26; 61°S,
Contrast Reversal in the Cerberus
Region. These frames show the
contrast reversal of crater-and-hill associated streaks.
Through a red filter (left, about 0.58 µm), the streaks
have a 'normal" appearance and are brighter than their
surroundings; through a violet filter (right about 0.45
µm), they- appear darker. Laboratory measurements
indicate that such contrast reversal is a common property of
well-sorted, very fine samples of iron oxide materials. Not
all bright streaks on Mars show such contrast reversal in
the violet. [ Left 53B56, Right 53B57; 12° N, 202°
W ]
Aeolian Activity on Pavonis
Mons. Persistent aeolian
activity was observed on the flanks of the three large
Tharsis volcanoes. Early Viking imaging revealed that since
the last Mariner 9 coverage in 1972, each of the three large
Tharsis volcanoes (Ascraeus, Pavonis, and Arsia), had
developed a more or less complete dark albedo ring on its
flanks. The dark albedo ring was especially well-developed
on Pavonis Mons, as seen here, where it was 20 km wide and
situated at altitudes between 20 and 25 km.
(a) The boundaries of the dark albedo
ring are ragged, and the upper boundary is composed partly
of coalescing, ragged dark streaks trending downhill. (b)
Another view shows the same area taken after the 1977 global
dust storm. The observed changes are best explained by the
erosion by downslope winds of bright albedo material
probably storm fallout. Aeolian activity has been observer!
up to the summits of the Tharsis volcanoes, proving that
Martian winds are strong enough to transport fine particles
even at the very low pressures at the tops of the Tharsis
volcanoes. [Left 52A15, Right 416A45; 0° N, 113° W
Spectacular Albedo Changes in
Syria Planum. These four
views of Syria Planum show both long-term and short-term
changes in the surface markings. (a) A Mariner 9 view of the
area in southern summer is shown. (b) A Viking Orbiter 1
view of the same area almost three Martian years later was
taken shortly after the start of the global-scale storms.
(c) and (d) These were taken in mid to late southern summer.
The changes observed in the bright streaks in the last three
frames are attributed to strong north-to-south winds during
the global dust storms. [(a) Mariner 9 DAS 08585544, (b)
294A69, (c) 416A49, (d) 439A48; 12° S, 110°
Changes in Wind Streaks on the
Slopes of Arsia Mons. The
changes in both dark and light streaks shown occurred after
the global dust storms. In the Iower image, winds blowing
down the long slopes of the volcano redistributed some of
the light coating of dust deposited during the global dust
storms, forming both dark streaks (erosion of dust) and
bright streaks (deposition of additional dust). [574A46,
648A03; 9° S, 124° W]
Erosion of Dust from Large Areas
Following the Global Dust Storms. (a) Shortly after the global dust storms,
wind erosion downwind of craters produced dark streaks: a
combination of global circulation and local winds blowing
down slopes formed streaks pointing in two directions from
the same craters. (b) Later winds, also blowing downslope,
stripped dust from much wider areas to form the large dark
markings. [603A08, 639A67; 31°S, 117°W ]