On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- 1. Edgar M. Cortright to
Ad Hoc Committee to Name Space Science Projects and Objects,
"Revised Suggestions for Lunar and Planetary Program," 18 May
1960; and Cortright, "Exploration of the Moron. Planets, and
Interplanetary Space," in NASA, NASA-Industry Program Plans
Conference, July 28-29,1960 (Washington, 1960), p. 71.
- 2. NASA, Fourth
Semiannual Report to Congress, April 1, 1960 through September 30,
1960 (Washington, 1960), p. 66.
- 3. Raymond A. Bauer and
Richard F. Meyer et al., "NASA Planning and Decision Making, Final
Report,'' vol. l, rpt. X70-90256, Harvard University, Graduate
School of Business Administration, cat 1970, p. 111-4; JPL,
"Advanced Planetary Spacecraft Study Report," vol. 1, Engineering
Planning Document (EPD) 139, 28 Dec. 1962, p. I-l; JPL, "Study of
Mars and Venus Orbiter Missions Launched by the 3-Stage Saturn
C-IB Vehicle," vol. 2, pts. 1 and 2, EPD-132, 1 Mar. 1963; and
JPL, ''Study of Mars and Venus Orbiter Missions Launched by the
3-Stage Saturn C-IB Vehicle. 'vol. 3, pts. 1 and 2, EPD-139, 31
Dec. 1963.
- 4. Donald P. Hearth to
Oran W. Nicks, "Voyager Review at JPL, November 1962," 19 Nov.
1962. Unless noted otherwise, all letters, memos, and telexes are
in the chronological files of Hearth's office (NASA Hq. code SL).
boxes 50 and 5l, accession 255-74-663, record group 255, Federal
Records Ctr., Washington. In Nicks to Hearth, 4 June 1962, Hearth
is offered the job of Staff Engineer, Advanced Programs, Lunar and
Planetary Programs Office.
- 5. Hugh L. Dryden to
James E. Webb, "Current Status of Certain Programs," 31 July 1962.
Hearth to Nicks, "Proposed Industry Studies on Voyager in FY63,''
19 Nov. 1962.
- 6. Hearth to Nicks,
"Proposed Industry Studies on Voyager in FY63, " 19 Nov.
- 7. Forrest Hogg to
Hearth, 22 Jan. 1963; E. F. Wilcomb to Hearth, 23 Jan. 1963;
George N. Mangurian to Hearth, 31 Jan. 1963; R. L. Winters to
Hearth, 28 Jan. 1963; Robert W. Menzel to Hearth, 11 Feb. 1963;
and Hearth, "OSS Review&emdash;January 17, 1963 Advanced Programs
Status Report, " 17 Jan. 1963.
- 8. Hearth, "OSS Review,"
17 Jan. 1963; and Nicks to Homer E. Newell, Jr., "Proposed
Industry Studies on Voyager," 30 Jan. 1963.
- 9. Hearth, "Presentation
for Administrator's Review&emdash;9 Feb. 63," n.d.
- 10. Nicks to Newell,
"Proposed Industry Studies on Voyager," 30 Jan. 1963.
- 11. Carl M. Grey,
"Request for Proposal No. 10-929, Voyager Design Studies." memo, 5
Mar. 1963, with encl.
- 12. Ibid. The schedule
and process for evaluating the proposals is outlined in Hearth,
"Industry Voyager Studies," memo, 6 Mar. 1963; Hearth to Grey,
"Method for Technical Evaluation of Proposals in Response to RFP
No. 10-929," 12 Mar. 1963; NASA, "NASA Simplifies Names of Saturn
Launch Vehicles," news release 63-26, 7 Feb. 1963; and General
Electric Co., Missile and Space Div., Valley Forge Space
Technology Center, "Voyager Design Study," vol. 1, "Design
Summary," doc. 635D801, 15 Oct. 1963, p. 1-1 (N65-32171).
- 13. Grey, "Request for
Proposal Number 10-929, Voyager Design Studies."
- 14. Hearth to Grey.
''Selection of Contractors for Voyager Studies," 5 Apr. 1963; Grey
to Hearth, "Technical Evaluation of Proposals Received in Response
to RFP No. 10-929," 4 Apr. 1963; Hearth, note of conversation with
Grey and R. Wallace Lord, 4 April 1963; and Hearth and Andrew
Edwards, Jr., to Grey, "Technical Evaluation of Proposals Received
in Response to RFP No. 10-929," 2 Apr. 1963.
- 15. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, 1964 NASA Authorization, hearings before
Subcommittee on Space Sciences and Advanced Research and
Technology, 88th Cong., 1st sess. (henceforth 88/1), pt. 3(a),
Mar.-May 1963, pp. 1620-22; and "Voyager-A $700 Million Program,"
Space Daily, 13 Mar. 1963.
- 16. Charles A. Taylor
to Hearth, 7 May 1963.
- 17. Hearth to William
P. Neacy, 28 June 1963; and Hearth to Taylor, 28 June 1963.
- 18. Hearth to Nicks,
''FY Funding for Voyager," 26 June 1963.
- 19. Bauer and Meyer,
"NASA Planning and Decision Making," 1: III-4 to III-5.
- 20. Ibid., pp. III-5 to
- 21. Lewis D. Kaplan,
Guido Munch, and Hyron Spinrad, "An Analysis of the Spectrum of
Mars, " Astrophysical Journal 139 (I Jan. 1964): 1-15; and Alvin
Seiff and David E. Reese, Jr., ' Defining Mars'
Atmosphere&emdash;A Goal for the Early Missions," Astronautics
& Aeronautics 3 (Feb. 1965): 16-21.
- 22. Nicks to Newell,
"Changes to AVCO and GE Voyager Studies," 9 Aug. 1963; and Senate
Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, NASA Authorization
for Fiscal Year l965, hearings, 88/2, pt. 1, Scientific and
Technical Programs, 4 Mar. 1964, pp. 131-33.
- 23. Nicks, "Planetary
Program," in NASA, "Briefing for the Administrator on Possible
Expansion of Lunar and Planetary Programs," 2 Dec. 1963; Nicks to
Milton Rosen, "Centaur Success," 29 Nov. 1963; Newell to William
H. Pickering, TWX, 19 Dec. 1963; and Urner Liddel to Chairman,
Space Sciences Steering Committee, "Mars 1966 Mission," 31 Dec.
- 24. Hearth to Nicks,
"JPL's Plan to Suspend Their Voyager Study," 8 Aug. 1963.
- 25. Ibid.
- 26. Hearth, "Mariner
Plan and Voyager Concepts," in NASA, "Briefing for the
Administrator on Possible Expansion of Lunar and Planetary
Programs," 2 Dec. 1963, pp. 34-36.
- 27. GE Missile and
Space Div., "Design Summary," p. 2-1.
- 28. Ibid pp. 5-9 to
5-15; and AVCO Corp., Research and Advanced Development Div.,
"Voyager Design Studies," vol. 1, "Summary," 15 Oct. 1963, pp.
- 29. Hearth. "Mariner
Plan and Voyager Concepts," p. 41.
- 30. Hearth, ''OSSA
Review&emdash;February 24, 1964: Advanced Studies Status Report,"
n.d.; and Liddel, "OSSA Review, February 24, 1964, Mars 1966
Mission," n.d.
- 31. Nicks to Liddel et
al., "Line Assignments for Mariner 66 Mission Definition," 6 Jan.
- 32. Seiff. ''Call from
Mr. Donald Easter, Office of Lunar and Planetary Programs, NASA
Headquarters to Set Meeting for Potential 1966 Mars Mission
Experimenters," telephone memo, 7 Jan. 1964; Liddel ''OSSA Review,
January 23, 1964, Mariner 66 Mission Definition,'' n.d.: Seiff,
"Call by Mr. John Dimeff and Writer to Mr. Joseph Koukol, Chief,
Communication System Development Branch. JPL, concerning Capsule
to Bus Communication System for 1966 Mars Mission," telephone
memo. 5 Feb. 1964; Liddel to Donald P. Burcham, TWX, 20 Feb. 1964;
Liddel, "OSSA Review. February 24. 1964, Mars 1966 Mission," n.d.;
and Nicks to Newell, "JPL Manpower Requirements," 13 March
- 33. NASA, "NASA
Statement on Appropriation Bill," news release 64-221, cat 30 Aug.
1964. For a general discussion of NASA budgets from 1964 to 1969,
see NASA, Preliminary History of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration during the Administration of President Lyndon
B. Johnson, November 1963-January 1969 (Washington, 1969).
- 34. Hearth to Nicks,
"Mariner Missions to Mars in 1969," 18 Mar. 1964.
- 35. Ibid.; Hearth to
Nicks, "Call from Dr. Newell Relative to Mariner '64 Occultation
Experiment," 11 May 1964; and Nicks to Chairman, Space Sciences
Steering Committee, "Mars Atmosphere Experiment for Mariner '64,"
5 June 1964, with encl.
- 36. Hearth to Nicks,
"Mariner Missions to Mars in 1969."
- 37. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, Investigation of Project Ranger,
hearings before Subcommittee on NASA Oversight, 88/2, April-May
1964, pp. 211-46. See also R. Cargill Hall, Lunar Impact: A
History of Project Ranger, NASA SP-4210 (Washington, 1977), pp.
- 38. Robert C. Seamans,
Jr., to NASA Management Committee, "Outline for
Discussion&emdash;Probable Contributing Factors to Project
Schedule Slippage," 17 June 1964.
- 39. For the story of
Mariner-Mars 69, consult: Donald P. Burcham, "Listing of Voyager
Important Documents & Meetings Relative to Project Direction,"
14 Dec. 1964, rev. 14 March 1967 and Oct. 1967; Newell to
Pickering, 7 Aug. I964 Newell to Pickering, TWX, 9 Sept. 1964;
Newell to Seamans, "Voyager Program and the Fiscal Year 1966
Budget, " 25 Sept. 1965; Hearth, "Discussion of Planetary Programs
with the Associate Administrator, September 23, 1964," memo for
record, 30 Sept. 1964; Hearth, ''Current Actions and Guidelines on
the Post-1964 Mars Program,'' memo for record, 13 Oct. 1964; Nicks
to Alvin R. Luedecke. 19 Oct. 1964: Hearth, "OSSA Review of
November 3, 1964: Mariner Mars 69," 5 Non. 1964; Newell to
Pickering, 7 Jan. 1965; Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., "Finial
Report, Mariner Mars l969 0rbiter Study Contract No. JPL 950877,"
report M-29-64-1,4 Oct. 1964 (N65--1458); JPL, ''Mariner Mars 1969
0rbiter Technical Feasibility Study,'' EPD-250, 16 Nov. 1964
(N65-27875); and JPL, "Mariner Mars 1969 Lander Technical
Feasibility Study," EPD-261, 28 Dec. 1964.
- 40. Seamans to Donald
F. Hornig, 14 Dec. 1964; and James O. Spriggs to Newell, "Voyager
1969," 7 Dec. 1964.
- 41. Hearth to Nicks,
"Proposed Headquarters Organization for Voyager," 14 Dec. 1964;
Hearth to Pickering, TWX, 1 Jan. 1965; Newell to Pickering, 7 Jan.
1965; and Nicks to staff, "SL Organization" 29 Jan. 1965.
- 42. NASA,''NASA Asks
Proposals on Mars Voyager Design Definition,'' news release 65-15,
15 Jan. 1965.
- 43. Cortright to
Pickering, TWX, 1 Jan. 1965; Hearth, "Mr. Hilburn's Suggestion
Relative to Submission by Voyager Phase IA Proposers of Fully
Expected Contracts," memo for record, 8 Jan. 1965; George J.
Vechietti to Seamans, "Voyager Procurement Plan," 12 Jan. 1965:
Cortright to Pickering, TWX 13 Jan. 1965; Hearth, ''Status of
Voyager RFP." memo, 25 Jan. 1965, Newell to Paul Ross, 28 Jan
1965; Earl D. Hilburn to Newell. "Voyager Procurement Plan, " 8
Feb. 1965; Hearth to Carl Schreiber, "Contractor Performance
Information on Voyager Proposers." 16 Feb. 1965; Hearth to Nicks,
"Status of Voyager Proposals and Evaluation," 24 Feb. 1965; Hearth
to C. W. Cole, 10 Mar. 1965; NASA, NASA Selects Three Firms for
Voyager Design.'' news release 65-135, 22 Apr. 1965; and Hilburn
to Newell, ''Fixed-Price Contract for Phase IA of the Procurement
of a Voyager Spacecraft System by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,"
26 Apr. 1965.
- 44. William J. Normyle,
''Space Sciences Receive Budget Reprieve," Aviation Week &
Space Technology 82 (l8 Jan 1965):23-24 NASA, "Background Material
and NASA FY 1966 Budget Briefing, 23 January 1965,' 'news release,
25J an. 1965; John W. Finney, "99.7 Billion Budget Puts Emphasis
on Broader Aid for Schools and Welfare," New York Times, 26 Jan.
1965; "Still in the Space Race," New York Times, 30 Jan. 1965;
George C. Wilson, "Johnson Maps Strong Aerospace Efforts,"
Aviation Week & Space Technology 82 (I Feb. 1965): 16-18; and
Robert Hotz. ''The Aerospace Budget.'' Aviation Week & Space
Technology 82 (1 Feb. 1965): 11.
- 45. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, 1966 NASA Authorization, hearings, 89/1,
pt. 1, Feb. and Apr. 1965, pp. 43-44, 278, and pt. 2, Mar. 1965,
p. 947; and House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 1966 NASA
Authorization, hearings before Subcommittee eon Space Science and
Applications, 89/1, pt. 3, Mar. 1965, pp. 154-55.
- 46. Arvydas J. Kliore
et al., "The Mariner 4 Occultation Experiment," Astronautics &
Aeronautics 3 (July 1965): 72-80.
- 47. Nicks to Newell,
''Voyager Capsule Coordination," 23 Mar. 1965; Newell to
Pickering, 31 Mar. 1961: Newell to Floyd L. Thompson, "Voyager
Capsule Coordination Group," 7 Apr. 1965; Newell to Wernher von
Braun, "Meeting on Martian Capsule Technology," 28 Apr. 1965; and
Hearth, "Meeting on Martian Capsule Technology, May 11, 1965,"
memo, 30 Apr. 1965.
- 48. Newell,
"Establishment of the Voyager Capsule Advisory Group," memo, 14
July 1965.
- 49. Robert Lindsey,
"Mars Atmospheric Probe Proposed," Missiles and Rockets 16 (8 Feb.
1965): 13; Rex Pay, "Experts at Odds over Mars Goals." Missiles
and Rockets 16 (22 Feb. 1965): 39; Michael Yaffe, "Martian
Atmosphere Experiment Urged for 1969 Voyager Vehicle," Aviation
Week & Space Technology 82 (8 Feb. 1965): 61-62; Temple W.
Neuman, "The Automated Biological Laboratory," in George W.
Morgenthaler and Robert G. Morra, eds., Unmanned Exploration of
the Solar System, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, vol. 19
(North Hollywood: American Astronautical Society, 1965), pp.
237-51; and Seiff and Reese, "Defining Mars' Atmosphere&emdash;A
Goal for the Early Missions," pp. 16-20.
- 50. Bruce C. Murray, "A
Martian Horror Story: Requirements vs. Capabilities for the
Photographic Exploration of Mars, " in Morgenthaler and Morra,
Unmanned Exploration of the Solar System, pp. 153-73. The volume
contains several other articles pertaining to Mars exploration.
The Cal Tech-J PL Planetary Exploration Study Group studied the
Mars exploration program 1964-1965 in an effort to influence NASA
policy. A collection of documents is available as "B. C. Murray
NASA-CIT Voyager Dialogue, 1964-1965," JPLHF 3-481.
- 51. Pay. ''Experts at
Odds over Mars Goals;'' and Irving Stone, "Mariner Data May Limit
Voyager Payload,'' Aviation Week & Space Technology 83 (2 Aug.
1965): 55, 57, 60.
- 52. John E. Naugle to
Newell, Nicks, and Hearth, ''Interim Report of the Voyager Capsule
Advisory Group,'' 20 Aug. 1965; and Paul Tarver, memo, "Summary
Minutes of Meeting No. 1," 27 July 1965.
- 53. Newell to
Pickering, 10 Sept. 1965; and Hearth, "Meeting with Dr. Seamans,
Mr. Hilburn, Mr. Rieke on September 3, 1965," memo for record, 14
Sept. 1965.
- 54. NASA. "NASA
Considers Saturn V for Voyager Program," news release 65-328, 14
Oct. 1965; ''Major Reorganization Upcoming in Voyager Program,"
Missile/Space Daily 15 (1 Oct. 1965): 131-52: Ha1 Taylor, "Voyager
Program Facing Reorganization," Missiles and Rockets 17 (4 Oct.
1965): 14; Howard Simons, "NASA Weighs Major Changes in Voyager's
Mission to Mars," Washington Post. 9 Oct. I965: and Seamans to
Newell. 8 Oct. 1965.
- 55. Donald E. Fink,
"NASA Reorients Lunar, Planet Missions," Aviation Week & Space
Technology 83 (27 Dec. 1965): 20; Taylor, ''Seamans Crystallizes
Voyager Plans,'' Missiles & Rockets 17 (25 Oct. 1965): 17;
Fink, "NASA Revamping Voyager Development," Aviation Week
&Space Technology 83 ( 1 Nov. 1965): 20; Stone, "Atmosphere
Data to Alter Voyager Design," Aviation Week & Space
Technology 83 (22 Nov. 1965): 66-67, 69; "War to Limit NASA
Budget, Teague Says," Houston Post. 30 Aug. 1965, Hearth,
"Revisions to Planetary Program (Discussions with NASA)," 17 Dec.
1965: and Nicks, "Discussion with Mr. Fink of 'Aviation Week,' on
Oct. 7, 1965," memo for record, 14 Oct. 1965.
- 56. General Electric,
Missile and Spacecraft Div., Spacecraft Dept., "Voyager Spacecraft
System Study (Phase I&emdash;Titan IIIC Launch Vehicle), Final
Report," vol. 1, "Summary, doc. 64SD933, 7 Aug. 1964
(N65-24896);and General Electric Co., "Voyager Spacecraft System
Study (Phase II, Saturn V Launch Vehicle). Final Report," vol. 1,
"Summary," doc. 64SD4376) Dec. 1964 (N66-15824).
- 57. Newell interview by
Edward C Ezell, 11 Jan. 1978; Cortright to Seamans. ''Launch
Vehicles for Voyager, " 11 Jan. 1965; and V. L. Johnson to Rosen,
"Proposed Statement on Launch Vehicle for Voyager," 21 Jan.
- 58. Hearth.
"Presentation for Administrator's Review," 9 Feb. 1965; and
"Saturn V May Boost Two Voyagers," Missiles and Rockets 17 (18
Oct. 1965): 15.
- 59. Seamans to E. C.
Welsh, 2 Dec. 1965.
- 60. Newell interview,
11 Jan. 1978.
- 61. Bauer and Meyer,
"NASA Planning and Decision Making," vol. 1, pp. III-l to
- 62. Ibid., p.111-14.
See also Burcham, "Voyager Notes, " 23 Jan. 1966, JPL History File
(JPLHF)3-270, JPL Library, for detailed JPL comments on changes in
the Voyager project.
- 63. NASA, "NASA Defers
Voyager: Schedules Three Mariners." news release 65-389, 22 Dec.
1965; JPL Off. of Public Information, ''NASA Defers Voyager:
Schedules Three New Mariners," 22 Dec. 1965, JPLHF 3-165, JPL
Library and Newell to Luedecke, TWX, 22 Dec. 1965.
- 64. Fink, "Fund Bite
Halts Voyager Bus Work: Lander Capsule Design to Continue,"
Aviation Week & Space Technology 84 (3 Jan. 1966): 24; and
Hearth, "Voyager Plans," memo for record, 14 Jan. 1966.
- 65. Bauer and Meyer,
"NASA Planning and Decision Making," vol. 1, p.111-16; Newell
interview, 11 Jan. 1978; James E. Webb to Clinton P. Anderson, 2
May 1966; and House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 1967
NASA Authorization, hearings before Subcommittee on Space Science
and Applications, 89/2, pt. 3, Feb.-Mar. 1966, pp. 22-23,
- 66. Bauer and Meyer,
"NASA Planning and Decision Making," vol. 1, pp. III-16 to III-17;
[Hearth], "Webb Review, Planetary Program," 14 Feb. 1966; and
[Hearth], "Answers to Nasty Questions, Planetary Programs," 15
Feb. 1966.
- 67. JPL, "Voyager
Presentation to Executive Council." 7 July 1966; JPL. "Voyager
Project Study&emdash;Backup Data,'' 7 July 1966; JPL, "Voyager
Project Study&emdash;Backup Data," 12 July 1966; JPL, "Voyager
Mars Mission Science Models," 19 July 1966; JPL, "Voyager Project
Study Presentation to NASA&emdash;Backup Data," 21 July 1966; JPL,
"Voyager Project Study&emdash;Presentation to NASA," 14 Sept.
1966; and Newell to Pickering, 5 Oct. 1966.
- 68. JPL, "Voyager
Project Study&emdash;Presentation to NASA (Seamans)," 12 Oct.
1966; and Burcham, "Listing of Voyager Important Documents &
Meetings Relative to Project Direction," 14 Dec. 1966, and
- 69. [Hearth] "Voyager Project Management
Chronology," 9 June 1967.
- 70. Hearth, "Chronology
of Voyager Management Decisions," memo for record, 11 Jan. 1967;
Hearth, "Chronology of Voyager Management," memo for record, 12
Jan. 1967; Hearth to David G. Stone and Burcham, TWX, 13 Jan.
1967; NASA, "Memorandum of Agreement between OSSA and OMSF on the
Voyager Project," 9 June 1967; and Newell to Webb and Seamans,
"Voyager Management Decisions," 21 Feb. 1967.
- 71. Newell to Webb and
Seamans, "Voyager Management Decisions"; and NASA, "NASA Organizes
Management for Voyager Project," news release 67-40, 28 Feb.
- 72. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, 1968 NASA Authorization, hearings before
Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications, 90/1, pt. 3,
Mar.-Apr. 1967, pp. 539-40; and Bauer and Meyer, "NASA Planning
and Decision Making," vol. 1, p. 111-27. The lengthy discussions
of the impact of managing Voyager on the size of the JPL staff are
documented in JPL, "File on Manpower-Management Negotiations with
OSSA, Oct.-Dec. 1966," n.d., JPLHF 3-271, JPL Library.
- 73. Bauer and Meters,
"NASA Planning and Decision Making," vol. 1, p. 111-27.
- 74. William Hinds,
"Apollo Fire May Delay Mars Probe till 1979," Washington Evening
Star, 3 Feb. 1967. See also Jane Van Nimmen and Leonard C. Bruno
with Robert L. Rosholt, NASA Historical Data Book, 195S-1968, vol.
I, NASA Resources, NASA SP-4012 (Washington, 1976), p. 118.
- 75. Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, NASA Authorization for Fiscal
Year 1968, hearings, 90/1, pt. 1, Apr. 1967, p. 30.
- 76. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, 1968 NASA Authorization. hearings before
the Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications, 90/1, pt. 3,
Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 1061.
- 77. Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, NASA Authorization for Fiscal
Year 1968, 90/1, rpt. 353, 23 June 1967, p. 35.
- 78. The fate of the
NASA budget authorization for fiscal 1968 can be followed in the
Congressional Record; NASA "Chronological History, Fiscal Year
l968 Budget Submission," 8 Nov. l967; and the press. For the
press, see "Budget Looks to Era beyond Moon Landing," Chicago
Tribune, 25 Jan. 1967: "Mars Can Wait, " Chicago Tribune. 5 Mar
1967; Philip H. Abelson, ''The Future Space Program," Science 155
(17 Mar. 1967): 1367; "Space Budget Request Kept Nearly Intact by
House Unit, but It Facts Tougher Tests.'' Wall .Street Journal, 17
May 1967; Space Agency's Budget Faces House Challenges, Washington
Evening Star, 22 June 1967: J. V. Reistrup. House NASA Budget Cut
Doubled by Senate Group," Washington, Post 24 June 1967; Hines.
''NASA Meets the Budget Ax," Sunday Star. 25 June 1967; Jerry
Klutz. "NASA Budget Cut $23 Million," Washington Post. 27 June
1967; "House and Senate Cut NASA Request, " New York Times. 29
June 1967; House and Senate Approve Separate Space Budgets,'' Wall
Street Journal. 29 June 1967; ''Space Funds Cut Deeply by House,
Senate." Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (3 July 1967):
28; Luther J. Carter, "Space Budget: Congress Is in a Critical,
Cutting Mood," Science 157 (14 July 1967): 170-73; and Edward C.
Welsh, "Selling the Space Program,'' Aviation Week & Space
Technology 87 (24 July 1967): 11.
- 79. Hotz, ''The
Turbulent Summer," Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (31
July 1967): 11; and David Tarr, "Civil Rights." in Congressional
Quarterly Service, Congress and the Nation, vol. 2, 1965-1968
(Washington, 1969), pp. 354-55.
- 80. Senate Committee on
Appropriations, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1968, hearings before the
Subcommittee, 90/1,[26 July] 1967, pp. 73-77; Katherine Johnsen,
"Webb Refuses to Choose Program for Cuts,'' Aviation Week &
Space Technology 87 (31 July 1967): 20; Louis Harris. "Space
Programs Losing Support,'' Washington Post, 31 July 1967; and
''Our Priorities Are out of Balance," Washington Post, 31 July
- 81. MSC contracting
officer to prospective contractors, "Request for Proposal No.
BG721-28-7-528PŠPlanetary Surface Sample Return Probe Study for
.Manned Mars/Venus Reconnaissance/Retrieval Missions, '' 3 Aug.
- 82. L. R. Magnolia and
S A. Gogin compiled Manned Mars Missions: A Bibliography, research
bibliography 35. For TRW Space Technology Laboratories (Redondo
Beach, Calif., 1965), containing 348 entries. Several hundred more
recent references can be obtained through NASA's RECON
computerized information retrieval system. See also Robert B.
Merrifield, "A Historical Note on the Genesis of .Manned
Interplanetary Flight," paper XVE 3, Joint National Meeting,
American Astronautical Society (15th Annual) and Operations
Research Society (35th National), 17-20 June, 1969.
- 83. Normyle, "Priority
Shift Blocks Space Plans," Aviation Week & Space Technology 87
(11 Sept., 1967): 27.
- 84. NASA Public Affairs
Off., to field centers, TWX, 24 Aug. 1967; Hotz, "New Era for
NASA," Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (7 Aug. 1967): 17;
Carter, "Space: 1971 Mariner Mission Knifed by Budget Cutters,"
Science l5 (11 Aug. 1967):658-60; "Fund Cuts Redirect Space
Plans," Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (21 Aug. 1967):
23; "NASA Budget Cut $500 Million by House," Washington Post, 23
Aug. 1967; "House Votes Fund for Space Agency," New York Times, 23
Aug. 1967; and "White House Stand Blocks NASA Budget Restoration,"
Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (28 Aug. 1967): 32.
- 85. Thomas O'Toole,
"Some of Cut Funds Regained by NASA," Washington Post, 4 Oct.
1967; Reistrup, "Senate Boosts NASA Funds," Washington Post, 7
Oct. 1967; and Albert Sehistedt, Jr., ''Conferees Vote 4.5 Billion
to NASA, None for Voyager," Baltimore Sun, 26 Oct. 1967.
- 86. "People,"
Electronics 40 (4 Sept. 1967): 8, 10.

