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1. Saturn-Apollo Flights (Saturn I)
4. Unmanned Apollo-Saturn Flights (Saturn IB And Saturn V)
5. Manned Apollo-Saturn Flights (Saturn IB And Saturn V)
Flight-test S-1 stage clustered-propellant-tankage structure. Achieved.
Flight-test S-1 control system. Achieved.
Measure performance of bending and flutter, propellant sloshing, base heating, aerodynamic-engine torque, and airframe aerodynamic heating. Achieved.
Prove launch facilities and ground support equipment. Achieved.
Confirm vehicle aerodynamic characteristics in flight. Achieved.
Prove inflight performance of first-stage engines and adequacy to reach design velocity. Achieved.
Verify structural design of booster airframe. Achieved.
Demonstrate performance of guidance and control system. Achieved.
Release 86,685 liters of water in space (Project High Water 1) to upset concentration of water vapor in ionosphere and study conditions as equilibrium was regained. Achieved.
Flight-test live S-IV stage. Achieved.
Flight-test instrument unit. Achieved.
Demonstrate S-1/S-IV stage separation. Achieved.
Flight-test closed-loop guidance. Achieved.
First flight test of Apollo spacecraft launch vehicle configuration. Achieved.
Determine launch escape tower separation characteristics. Achieved.
Evaluate S-1/S-IV stage separation. Achieved.
Determine spacecraft launch and exit environmental parameters. Achieved.
Demonstrate LES jettison, using tower jettison motor. Achieved.
First closed-loop guidance flight for the full mission. Achieved.
Evaluate S-1/S-IV stage separation. Achieved.
Place 17,690 kilograms in-orbit. Achieved.
Demonstrate capability of escape system to propel command module to safe distance from launch vehicle during pad abort. Achieved.
Demonstrate launch-escape timing sequence. Achieved.
Demonstrate proper operation of tower-release device. Achieved.
Demonstrate proper operation of tower-jettison and pitchcontrol motors. Achieved.
Demonstrate earth-landing timing sequence and operation of parachute subsystem. Achieved.
Demonstrate capability of escape system to propel command module to predetermined distance from launch vehicle. Achieved.
Determine aerodynamic stability characteristics of escape configuration for abort conditions. Achieved.
Demonstrate proper separation of command module from service module. Achieved.
Demonstrate satisfactory recovery timing sequence in earthlanding subsystem. Achieved.
Demonstrate orientation of LEV to main heatshield forward attitude after high-altitude abort. Not achieved.
Demonstrate structural integrity of LEV air-frame structure for such an abort. Achieved.
Demonstrate separation of first and second stages of Saturn, LES and boost protective cover from CSM, CSM from instrument unit/spacecraft lunar module (LM) adapter, and CM from SM. Achieved.
Verify operations of Saturn propulsion, guidance and control, and electrical subsystems. Achieved.
Verify operation of spacecraft subsystems and adequacy of heatshield for reentry from low earth orbit. Partially achieved.
Evaluate emergency detection system in open-loop configuration. Achieved.
Evaluate heatshield ablator at high reentry rates. Not achieved because of loss of data during maximum heating.
Demonstrate operation of mission support facilities. Achieved.
Verify operation of command module heatshield (adequacy of Block II design for reentry at lunar return conditions), service propulsion system (SPS; including no ullage start), and selected subsystems. Achieved.
Evaluate performance of emergency detection system in open-loop configuration. Achieved.
Demonstrate mission support facilities and operations needed for launch, mission conduct, and CM recovery. Achieved.
Evaluate LM staging. Achieved.
Evaluate S-IVB instrument unit performance. Achieved.
Demonstrate separation of launch vehicle stages. Achieved.
Evaluate performance of emergency detection system in closed-loop configuration. Achieved.
Verify operation of Saturn V propulsion, guidance and control, and electrical systems. Not achieved, because of early cutoff of two of the S-II stage J-2 engines and failure of S-IVB J-2 engine to restart.
Demonstrate performance of mission support facilities. Achieved.
Demonstrate crew/space vehicle mission support facilities during manned CSM mission. Achieved.
Demonstrate CSM rendezvous capability. Achieved.
* Onboard computer target point was 27°37.8'N, 64°10.2'W; onboard computer landing point was 27°37.8'N, 64°10.8'W. Recovery ship landing point was 27°32.5'N, 64°04.0'W; indications are that the recovery ship may have been as much as ±13 kilometers in error and that the spacecraft may actually have landed very close to the target point.
Demonstrate translunar injection, CSM navigation, communications. and midcourse corrections. Achieved.
Assess CSM consumables and passive thermal control. Achieved.
Demonstrate CSM performance in cislunar and lunar orbit environment. Achieved.
Demonstrate communications and tracking at lunar distances. Achieved.
Return high-resolution photographs of proposed Apollo landing sites and locations of scientific interest. Achieved.
Demonstrate LM/crew performance. Achieved.
Demonstrate selected lunar orbit rendezvous mission activities including transposition, docking withdrawal, intervehicular crew transfer, EVA, SPS and DPS burns, and LM active rendezvous and docking. All achieved except EVA (because of Schweickart's illness, most EVA activities were canceled).
Assess CSM/LM consumables use. Achieved.
Evaluate CSM and LM docked and undocked lunar navigation. Achieved