Image Thumbnail (Click for details) | Image Name | Criteria |
Hubble Telescope Image of the "String of Pearls Comet" |
File #: sl9/1993eha
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Release Date: 1993-07-01
Source: STScI/NASA
Kitt Pre-Impact Image of Comet Shoemaker-Levy |
File #: sl9/sl930330
Spacecraft/Mission: Spacewatch Telescope, Kitt Peak
Release Date: 1993-03-30
Source: Jim Scotti
ESO Image of Fragment G & H Impacts |
File #: sl9/eso14
Source: European Southern Observatory
Evolution of the G Impact Site |
File #: sl9/gevol4
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
Galileo Image of Impact W |
File #: sl9/gll2
Spacecraft/Mission: Galileo
Source: NASA
HST Image of Impacts E/F, H, N, Q1, Q2, R and D/G |
File #: sl9/hst22juc
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
HST UV Image of Impacts H, Q1, R, D, G, L, B, N & Q2 |
File #: sl9/hst22juv
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
HST Image of Impacts D and G |
File #: sl9/hst_gc2
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
HST Views of Comet Fragment G Impact Zone |
File #: sl9/hst_gimp
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Dr. Heidi Hammel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NASA HST
HST G Plume Image |
File #: sl9/hst_gplm
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
HST A, C and E Impact Sites |
File #: sl9/hstace
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team
HST 1993 Mosaic |
File #: sl9/ht1993ea
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: NASA/JPL
IRTF Infrared Image of Q & R Impacts |
File #: sl9/irtf11
Source: NASA IRTF Comet Science Team
HST Images |
File #: sl9/sl9hst
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: NASA/JPL
Depictions of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision |
File #: sl9/sl9rend
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: NASA/JPL
Depiction of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision as Viewed from Earth |
File #: sl9/sl9rend1
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: NASA/JPL
Depiction of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision as Viewed From Voyager 2 |
File #: sl9/sl9rend2
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: NASA/JPL
Depiction of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision as Viewed From Juipter's South Pole |
File #: sl9/sl9rend3
Spacecraft/Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
Source: NASA/JPL